Nadav Guedj is representing Israel at the European Song Contest 2015 in Vienna. When being asked about the most interesting aspects of his song, “Golden Boy”, he answered: “It’s celebrating the inspiring freedom of Tel-Aviv”.
But who exactly can celebrate this “inspiring freedom” in Tel Aviv?
What about the freedom and rights of Palestinians in Israel, the Westbank and Gaza while people are dancing and partying in Tel Aviv? Tel Aviv was built on destroyed Palestinian villages: Jaffa, Scheich Munis, Samayl, Jammasin, Al-Gharbi, Salama, Al Manschiya and Mantekat Al-Sayadin.
During the (still ongoing) Nakba, Palestinian people were/are forced to leave their homes and become refugees. Today Palestinians in Israel, the Westbank and Gaza live under a cruel Israeli Apartheid regime. The borders to Gaza, where more than 2000 people died during the last attack of Israel in July 2014, are closed and thousands are still waiting for medical aid.
The lyrics and the original video of this Song Contest entry are whitewashing the Israeli Apartheid regime.
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